Historical and much loved blogger 'A Gurn from Nurn' reports on a planning application:
Planning applications can be two a penny but this a biggie for the town. The owner of the land is one Elizabeth MacDonald, Cllr L MacDonald in her more known address.
We're very sure here at the Spin that there's absolutely no conflict of interest with Liz MacDonald's role as both councillor and property developer, very certain. We've tweeted Donald Trump to confirm this and await his reply.
We're pretty sure that 114 properties might have 114 cars, maybe more, but the impact on the junction of Lochloy Road and the A96 will be imperceivable, okay... minimal.
Scottish Water seem fine with the plan but as we've said there's absolutely no conflict of interest with Liz MacDonald's role as both councillor and property developer.
One group who're not so happy are the badgers. They're well pissed off and rightly so
All we can say is if you live in the vicinity enjoy the traffic lights, this is one set that's never going to be switched off!
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