Sprinkles anyone?

A keen Spin contributor was checking the online Trunk Road Gritter Tracker and noticed that the gritter currently working in Nairn has been named 'Sprinkles.

Apparently this is drug slang for Aderall xr or Dexadrine for the small sprinkle like balls of amphetamine.

We have to bow to superior knowledge as we always thought sprinkles were the hundreds and thousands on top of your ice cream.

Whatever, we admire the work of the gritter drivers, up at all hours making the roads safe when we're still tucked up in our beds.

Any advance on the meaning of the word 'sprinkles'?

Trunk Road Gritter Tracker: http://scotgov.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2de764a9303848ffb9a4cac0bd0b1aab
