None of us in the Spin office have been or have stood for the post of councillor but we're left puzzled as to why most of our councillors saw fit to vote for Highland councils budget proposal.
Feart or couldn't be arsed putting forward their own ideas?
Everyone knows we need to make cuts due to Westminster's austerity measures but why vote for a budget that includes a measure that you know the majority of your community will be against?
The Spin has suggested charges for daring to even drive your car into the town, perhaps that would be a more sensible option unless you're a resident?
If you stood last year as a councillor you'd have known it was going to be a tough four years in terms of cuts. Was the draw of £16K too much though and you're happy to grow a tough skin to fend off the inevitable criticisms and lynch mobs?
To the n-n-n-nineteen who dared to vote against the budget, thank you:
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